Thursday, January 31, 2013

Before Bedtime Banter with my Beautiful BBG...

So, before bed each night, when my five year old daughter is brushed and washed, we either read a book, or occassionally I will make up a story, whispered in the dark, with our imaginations fully engaged.  At the conclusion of said silly story, Eleanor always says "Ok, it's my turn....." and with a giggle in her tone, reiterates my story word for which I always cry "Copier!", and tackle her, we both laugh, I rub her belly and she goes to sleep. It's our pattern for silly story nights.

Flash to tonight, January 31st, we were snuggling and I started to rub Eleanor's belly, and we were just laying together nice and cozy with a few minutes of comfortable silence as I was thinking of what kind of animal the main character for my made up story would be.  I mentally listed the characters I had already used.....a frog, a squirrel, a chipmunk, a unicorn and a bear.....and I found myself speaking before my brain chose anything, but as it's my custom to make it up on the fly, the sillier the better, I didn't sweat it.....and this is what happened next......

Me:  "Once upon a time, in a land far far away, lived a very small, very white, pebble.  And  one day, it turned to it's Mother and said  "We never go anywhere, I'm bored."

....I then paused for a brief moment and followed up with "the end"

there was another brief pause before Eleanor and I burst into simultaneous laughter, and each time it sounded like it was petering out, grew in heartiness and expanded over another couple of minutes.  I had a hysterical moment with my kid.  We laughed and laughed, totally in sync with each other over this silly little imaginary pebble who was stuck on the road.  Poor pebble.

Finally, as we recovered our breath together and gave into the final sighs of laughter, Eleanor started to reiterate the story, per the norm, and we laughed and laughed all over again at her exact replica as she, for once, didn't try to pass hers off as an original.....and then I said....."aaah, that was a great story" which Eleanor immediately responded "Short, but great!" as she succumbed to another wave of little girl laughter.

Aaaah, what a great night....... If only I could capture that sound.....It's like music of the pure and innocent ......and now, I've stored the experience in this time capsule of day I will recall it and lose myself in it's simplicity and joy and remember my little girl frozen in this moment...... I have generously shared with  you, cyber space.......and all of your minions.......a true precious moment.  And yet, a small part of myself still thinks, ......that poor little pebble.....


  1. I love your story and I also love the way you mother your children. You are special mamma Kimmy and I love you

  2. Love it too :). Those giggles stay in your mind forever...

  3. Aw. thanks ladies. It was such a magical experience, I wanted to capture it. Love and miss you too, you two. My Maniac and Arizona Sun. xoxoxo peace, happy February.
