Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Testing the waters....

Wow, after a very long day and a bunch of I am.  Blogging.  Imagine that.  To be honest, I've been procrastinating about this for the past month!  I kept telling myself, "once my social media is under control".  Well, guess what?  social media is Never "under control" - every day there are new MUST HAVE for business success and vrrrmppp, there goes the attention/blog beginning and another day passes.  Even today for example, I spent all afternoon fiddling with domain name and hosting and was determined not to get hoodwinked.  I Googled a few things, watched one video and did whatever the stranger on the Internet told me to do.  Half an hour and $142 later, I got hip to my actions and put the breaks on.  A bit late I admit, but snap into it I did.  I asked for my REFUND.  That's right folks, I paid for it before I figured out that I didn't know that guy on the Internet and hey, can't I try out a blog for free first and see if I'm any good?  Ha Ha. 
 I can go to bed now feeling like I accomplished more than a gorgeous yoga routine today. :)  I've finally dipped my big toe in - - before you know it, this will be like brushing my teeth, but less wet.  I'm tired, been running the dumb circle all's exhausting. xoxox I look forward to our future together as there are places that I am going to take you.....if you will just be patient with me and let me figure this out, I vow to make you smile, certainly make you ponder and hopefully achieve a chuckle or two in the process.  Good night cyber-ites.  Kim

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